Gel Polish

Keeping your nails beautiful

And now its over to you…

  • Jewels not tools!  While Gel Polish is strong it isn’t indestructible, so don’t use your nails as tools.
  • Dig out those marigolds – wear gloves for housework, gardening etc to protect your nails (and hands).
  • Use cuticle oil and hand cream daily (if possible twice a day — morning and night). Hand cream will moisturise your hands and keep them younger looking and cuticle oil will nourish the nail root and keep the cuticles soft and supple.
  • Never pick or peel your Gel Polish. Your Gel Manicure should last at least 7 days and in many cases up to 2 weeks (in some cases more!). If you do have any chipping or damage please contact me and I will take a look for you. Your Gel Polish will show regrowth as your natural nails grow. When you are ready to remove your polish either do this at home following the home removal guide or come to the salon for removal as part of your next manicure.
  • Appointments should be booked every 2-3 weeks to allow a new colour to be applied as by then your nail will be showing regrowth. Future appointments can be booked before leaving the salon or by contacting the salon by phone, text or email.
  • If you do need to file your nails use a 240 grit nail file as this is the highest grit that should be used on natural nails. Think carefully about the length of your nails at your appointment and make sure they match your lifestyle. Filing the free edge can cause the polish to lift, so if you find you do need to file your nails apply a clear nail polish or top coat afterwards.
  • Chlorine can affect Gel Polish in extreme cases, so if you are going swimming try to wait 24 hours following an appointment and then rinse hands thoroughly after swimming.
  • And finally… enjoy the shine and lasting wear of your Gel Polish!! Show off those nails!






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Oct 16, 2016 | Posted by in Guides | 0 comments

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